tiistai 30. kesäkuuta 2015

Deborah Lippmann Va Va Voom

Nämä kynnet lakkasin Iisalmen asemarakennuksen portailla junaa odotellessa. Leimat tein suosiolla vasta kotona. Laitoin pohjalakaksi jonkun Delia No. 1:n lakan (en muista minkä) ja sen päälle ehkä kaksi kerrosta Deborah Lippmannin Va Va Voomia, jonka luullakseni ostin Talk And Baken kynsikirppikseltä. En tiiä. Mikä päivä tänään on ja millon nää kynnet on ees lakattu? Mikä on elämän tarkoitus? Kahvia.



Va Va Voom on sininen jellypohjainen lakkaunelma, jossa on erikokoisia hexhileitä, osa hologrammisia. Kertakaikkisen kaunis lakka. Leimat on Born Prettyn BP-L003 -laatasta, jonka esittelin edellisessä postauksessa. Leimaaminen sujui vaivattomasti, joten ei mitään valittamista silläkään saralla.


Tässä vielä makro-otos, jonka näppäsiin koulun makro-objektiivilla. Oi, kun semmoisen saisin omaksi.

 Born Pretty Store tarjoaa lukijoilleni 10 % alennuksen koodilla WTFQ10.
Leimauslaatta BP-L003 on saatu testiin blogin kautta. Kaikki mielipiteet ovat omiani, enkä hyödy oheisten linkkien klikkailuista.


I painted my nails at the railway station when I was waiting for the train. The stamps I made at home, though. I applied a coat of regular blue as my base colour (a polish from Delia No. 1, can't remember which one) and then applied most likely two coats of Deborah Lippmann's Va Va Voom over it. I think I bought the polish from Talk And Bake's blog sale. Maybe. I don't know. What day is it today and how old is this manicure? What's the meaning of life? More coffee, please.

Va Va Voom has a ton of different sizes of hex glitter, some holographic, in a blue jelly base. I love blue, jellies and holographic glitter so I gotta love this polish. The stamps are from Born Pretty's BP-L003 image plate, which I introduced to you in the previous post. I had no issues with the stamps so no complaints here.

I also took a macro shot. I borrowed a macro lense from my school for a few days and it was wonderful! I wish I had one!

Born Pretty Store offers a 10% discount for my readers with the code WTFQ10.
The image plate BP-L003 was given to me for review. All opinions are my own and I do not benefit from you opening the links in this post.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Your very funny! The polish is a glitter bomb and I love the effect of the stamping on it!
    I never heard about somebody that painted her nail in the railway station :))

    1. Haha, well I've never seen anyone else paint their nails in the railway station. I always have to change and wait for trains when I'm travelling so I try to come up with something to do. :D Once I was lying on the ground and taking pictures of a cuddly cat. After that it took me a while to realize I had sand on my face. :D ^^'

  2. Oiiiihh kuin kaunis lakka!! <3 Ihanat kynnet. :3


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