Sunday Fundayn päälle valikoitui toinen uusi lakka, O.P.I:n Lights of Emerald City, jonka voitin vastikään GlitterFrosting-blogin arvonnasta. Oon jo pitkään haikaillut kyseisen lakan perään, mutta en oo ikinä saanut aikaiseksi ostaa sitä. Ja parempi näin, kun kerta nyt tuurihaukkana sain sen tätä kautta näppeihini. Nyt mulla onkin koko Opin Oz-kokoelma kasassa yhtä lakkaa lukuun ottamatta.
Lights of Emerald City on uniikki, hauska glittertopperi, jossa on valkoisia mattapintaisia neliöhileitä ja pienempiä neliönmallisia flakies-hippusia. Lakka oli muuten helppo levittää, mutta neliöhileitä oli vaikea saada siveltimeen, ja ne vähät, jotka kynnelle asti sain, tuntuivat aina kulkeutuvan siveltimen mukana kynnen kärkeen. Parin kynnen jälkeen päädyin vaihtamaan taktiikkaa ja lonimaan hileitä pullosta hammastikulla. Tykkään edelleen tästä lakasta, sillä mua ei niin haittaa tuo kalastelu.
I spent my Christmas holiday at my parents' place, and we decided to go out one evening, and of course I had to paint my mum's nails. I didn't have that many polishes with me but luckily the mail lady had dropped me a few new polishes that week and mum instantly found a nice colour among those new polishes. She picked out China Glaze's Sunday Funday which is a beautiful bright blue polish that makes me think of the sky in a sunny summer day. Sunday Funday was almost a one-coater but I applied two coats to get the colour perfectly even in every nail. This polish might just have become one of my favourite China Glazes.
Mum wanted to add some sparkle on her nails and we ended up choosing O.P.I's Lights of Emerald City for the job. I've been meaning to buy this polish for a long time so I was really lucky when I won it from Katri's giveaway not too long ago. Now I'm only missing one polish from Opi's Oz collection!
Lights of Emerald City is a fun and unique clear based glitter topper with white square shaped matte glitter pieces and some smaller, also square shaped, flakie glitter pieces. The application turned out to be a bit tricky because the white square glitter pieces were hard to get on the brush. And when I did manage to catch a couple of them, they tended to slide to the tip of the nail. So I ended up painting one coat of Emerald City on every nail like normal and then fish out some more white glitter from the bottle with a toothpick. I don't mind the little extra effort so I'm still definitely going to keep this polish.
Ihana sininen...
VastaaPoistaNiin on. ^-^
PoistaFirst of all I wish you all the best for this new year! I am sure your mum was very happy that you made her nails. The choice of the polishes are great!
VastaaPoistaThank you and same to you! ♥ Thanks for always writing me such thoughtful comments.